Tactics of Open Fracture Treatment
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How to Cite

Avazashvili, N., Chikvatia, L., & Sakhvadze, S. (2021). Tactics of Open Fracture Treatment. Collection of Scientific Works of Tbilisi State Medical University, 54, 3–5. Retrieved from https://journals.4science.ge/index.php/CSW/article/view/392


Open fractures, their treatment, management of possible complications, rehabilitation of patients after surgical interventions remains as one of the most actual problems for modern traumatology and orthopaedics. To date , there is no single algorithm for treatment of patients with such a severe trauma. Types of preferable osteosynthesis and selection of optimal deadlines for surgery are also subjects for discussions.

In this article there are given results of treatment of 12 patients, who were treated in Affiliated TSMU Clinic , L.t.d "Center of Urgent Surgery and traumatology" with open fractures of various localization. Based on obtained results, are given relevant conclusions and is described our approach and tactics in treatment of this types of fractures.

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