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Avazashvili , N., Chikvatia, L., & Sakhvadze, S. (2021). DIAGNOSTICS AND TREATMENT OF PROXIMAL HUMERUS FRACTURES. Collection of Scientific Works of Tbilisi State Medical University, 53, 5–7. Retrieved from https://journals.4science.ge/index.php/CSW/article/view/403


Fractures of the proximal humerus occur mainly in middle- and older-age patients and cause significant functional deficits. To treat these types of injuries, many methods have been developed, both conservative and operative, although a single treatment algorithm has not been developed yet. In this article, there are given results of the treatment of 27 patients, who were treated at the First University Clinic with various types of fractures of the proximal humerus. Based on the obtained results, indications for both - conservative and operative treatment are presented. Analyzes of short and long term results are also presented. The need for a differentiated approach to treat such patients, in each individual case is justified by taking into consideration the type of the fracture, quality of bone tissue, general condition and activity of the patient. An attempt is done to develop an algorithm for the treatment of these types of fractures.

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