Female images from NW Colchis

Female images from NW Colchis


  • Eliso Baghaturia-Kner Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München image/svg+xml




woman, custom, faith


 Material culture of historical Apsilia has much to reveal about the values women represented in Colchian life. And the purpose of this paper is to examine female groups essential to our understanding of Colchian women and gives some insight to female archetypes representing mother, wife or perhaps the lover.  Some of them are little studied in my doctoral dissertation, but not reflect on the qualities stored in female archetypal entities. The useful contrast in burial practices, wealth, principles of property have varied considerably over years, from situation to situation demonstrates how they served individualization. This also tends to suggest how the gradual social and ideological transformation influenced the late roman female society from early Christianity. All constitute stories of cultures, attitudes, ideas, individual’s fantasies, which require building up a new narrative framework for the history of how those females might look in relationship, in family (when joined in marriage) or in public realm. Models that have been used to describe distinctive patterns in behavior, practices and belief are emotional and spiritual picture of female experiences in NW Colchis. Some of the idea we got from archeological evidences is hard to reach how it worked in practice, as there is no written evidence to confirm. What their identity or different geographic origin might reveal on interactions or influencing each other is difficult to assess.


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Author Biography

Eliso Baghaturia-Kner, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

Phd in Histori and Cultural sciences


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How to Cite

Baghaturia-Kner, E. (2023). Female images from NW Colchis. Museum and Globalization, 1(1), 74–88. https://doi.org/10.52340/gmg2023.01.08


