climate and people: Philosophical analysis of climate
PDF (English)

Ключевые слова

Philosophical geography
Climate and man
Man and nature

Как цитировать

Beridze, V. . (2022). climate and people: Philosophical analysis of climate. Georgian Scientists, 4(2), 184–192.


     According to Aurelio Peche who was a member of the Club of Rome and a well-known public figure, the essence of the problem that has emerged at the modern stage of human evolution is that humans are unable to adapt to a culture in line with the change that they have initiated. He considers the inner nature of man as the cause of this crisis and sees the possibility of solving the problem only in the change of the inner belief of man and in the consciousness of the society. At the same time he believes that society should be aware of the dangers of the modern ecological crisis and radically change its wolfish attitude towards the nature. The form of public consciousness is ecological ethics, which is based on the basic principles of ecology and classical ethics, the moral relations of man and nature, moral norms and actions. Ethical issues related to climate change are one of the most important areas of eco-ethics. This connection between man and nature is well reflected in the history of philosophical thought. Even the ancient Greek philosophers Plato and Aristotle paid special attention to the role of climate as one of the most important factors in the character of man and the biological development of the organism. In this regard, the views, studies and conclusions of the philosophers of the later period in the field of eco-ethical and philosophical geography, political geography are even more interesting. The presented paper serves the latter. Its aim is to clearly present the global ecological problems of modern times - in the context of the relationship between man and climate – which is  based on the work of philosophers.
PDF (English)

Библиографические ссылки

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