Harmful effects of climate change on health include many pathologies. There are many ways that environmental factors affect the visual system, including exposure to UV rays on the cornea, lens, retina, and the development of cataracts, glaucoma, uveal melanoma, photokeratitis, and others. Cataract development is also caused by infrared radiation. In the case of both mentioned types of radiation, the development of oxidative stress or the disruption of the protective mechanism against it is thought to be a pathogenic mechanism. The visual system is also affected by dust, air pollution, active and passive smoking, changes in various climate parameters (including precipitation, temperature, humidity, albedo). In order to avoid problems, it is necessary to pay attention to the hygiene of the visual system, which includes the use of appropriate protective equipment, timely cleaning of contaminated eyes, care for dry eye syndrome, correct use of contact lenses and etc.. The release of carbon into the environment has long-term negative effects on the health of the population, mainly due to the increase in temperature and the problems caused by the latter. Single-use medical instruments and equipment contribute to the mass generation of clinical and non-clinical waste and release large amounts of carbon. Ophthalmosurgical manipulations (including cataract surgeries) are characterized by the highest quantitative index in the world. This makes cataract surgery an obvious target for reducing carbon emissions. Because of the above, it is important to put into practice the principle of "The 5 R" provided in modern medicine, which implies reduction, reuse, recycling, review and research. It is important to understand all of the above and take into account in everyday life both ordinary individuals and ophthalmologists and health care managers.
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ჩიჩუა ა. ჩიჩუა გ. გორგაძე გ. „კლინიკური ოფთალმოლოგიის მორფოლოგიური საფუძვლები“ გამომცემლობა წიგნი+ერი, თბილისი, 2021 ISBN: 978-9941-9763-6-0].
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