About some experiences of school and university cooperation
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Ключевые слова

Connections between schools and universities
online and interactive textbooks
problems of the modern world
study of the ways to solve them

Как цитировать

Ghvinepadze, G., & Giorgadze, N. (2024). About some experiences of school and university cooperation. Georgian Scientists, 6(3), 195–205. https://doi.org/10.52340/gs.2024.06.03.18


The authors of the article, the author of the dissertation “Development of an information system supporting the management of the educational process in the general educational school” and scientific supervisor from the Technical University of Georgia, have been already connected by mutual cooperation for years that continues up to now. We totally believe that this type of relationship in educational and scientific fields between the school and the university is only the beginning of the work, which should be further developed even more in the next coming years. Continuity of the ties (connection) will significantly help the progress of both sides and the country as well. Sharing the accumulated experience prepares the suitable, useful ground for the formation of the students’ appropriate level in the future. On the base of interdisciplinary department of the faculty of Informatics and Management Systems was created the structural unit: “Ertad” in. In order to establish mutually beneficial relations between the school and the university, a number of events are also held in other faculties of STU, the Technical University of Georgia, exactly for the realization of such goals.but due to its specificity, the faculty of informatics, and particularly the mentioned department in its structure was assigned to play the leading role in this direction. Nowadays, in a rapidly changing environment of a global scale, special importance towards timely response to many problems is attached to the trans- and interdisciplinary connections and also to the field of informatics for their organization. It is a fact that today the level of achievements of specialists is determined to a great extent by their skills of owning the latest computer technologies. In the recent last years, conducting the teaching process in an online format has gained the special popularity all over the world. Modern computer technologies provide a wide range of possibilities and this form of education will be taken to an even higher level, which is done by giving an interactive face to education. Intensive work is underway at the Faculty of Informatics in this direction. We consider, the results obtained here can be successfully used in public schools after certain modifications of the created systems. It is known that in developed countries, much attention is paid to the organization of “Distance education” in the educational field. Through this form of studies (education), additional effective connections are established between the teaching staff and students.

Based on the current situation in our country, the need to introduce this teaching method is determined by additional factors, such as:

  • Local separatist, according to the instructions of the occupies in the temporarily occupied territories, actually prohibit teaching in the native language.
  • Due to the small number of students in schools, it becomes difficult and sometimes even impossible to acquire full-fledged knowledge in some disciplines.

Public schools should inform students about the problems and the latest fundamental achievements in any field. Many events are held in the 52nd Public School of Tbilisi in this direction. The school is an active participant in the “Solar School” project developed by German specialists. Periodically we invite specialists from universities to give lectures, students also visit them on faculties.

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G. Ghvinepadze. Trans- and interdisciplinary approaches to solving problems. II International Scientific Conference "Georgia and European Integration". GTU, collection of articles, 29-30 September 2022. p. 114-122.

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