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Ключевые слова

Ionizing radiation
Lung cancer
A class carcinogen
Basal and secretory cells

Как цитировать

Metskhvarishvili, M., Pagava, S., Gorgadze, K., Dekanosidze, S., & Beriashvili, N. (2023). RADON EXPOSURE AND LUNG CANCER. Georgian Scientists, 5(1), 219–227. https://doi.org/10.52340/gs.2023.05.01.18


Radon causes lung cancer and the death rate is reaching high numbers every year, making it the second most important cause of lung cancer after tobacco use. The World Health Organization (WHO) has classified radon as a carcinogenic substance that causes lung cancer. Radon is a naturally occurring, radioactive substance found mostly in soil or rock. The products obtained as a result of radioactive decay of radon are entering into the body through the respiratory tract. After, these radioactive elements are emitting α-particles that affect the lung tissue, resulting the lung cancer after long-term exposure. Epidemiological studies first revealed a high correlation between the incidence of lung cancer and exposure to radon-related elements among miners in Europe. After that, they began collecting the data and investigations about radon exposure in homes and lung cancer incidence. Many international studies have shown an increase in the risk ratio of lung cancer when indoor radon concentrations are high.

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Библиографические ссылки

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