Using Artificial Intelligence in Supply Chain
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საკვანძო სიტყვები

Supply Chain Management
Intelligent Transportation System (ITS)
management of transport systems
payment transport systems
automated control system

როგორ უნდა ციტირება

Gogilidze, E., & Gogilidze, N. (2024). Using Artificial Intelligence in Supply Chain. ქართველი მეცნიერები, 6(3), 63–70.


Advances in technology have significantly increased the availability of the technical and software tools needed to create services based on artificial intelligence. AI (Artificial Intelligence) is capable of forever changing almost any job or traditional approach to business process management.

Today's consumers always speak up and defend their rights when choosing brands and products. It’s not a limited concept of quality of a particular product, it includes the source of materials, the processing stage and finally the delivery to your doorstep. Unfortunately, traditional supply chains have a very negative impact on the environment and, as emissions, waste and resource scarcity show, are a problem. But is it possible to find a solution that reduces the negative environmental impact of these complex networks while increasing efficiency and reducing costs? - Yes, with AI it is possible. This powerful technology is beginning to change SCM (Supply Chain Management) and is now seen as a game changer that can change the current business environment and give rise to more sustainable approaches using AI in sustainable supply chains.

The use of AI describes a more efficient and productive process by extrapolating data to explain areas of improvement in imperfect systems of value creation, emissions and resource utilization in the supply chain.

AI can help anticipate demand, find shortcuts to suppliers, determine which parts and equipment require maintenance, and find sustainable supplies. It is worth noting that AI helps to reduce the negative environmental impact of enterprises. Thus, it can be much more efficient in logistics for a given level of emissions, lead to increased resource efficiency through smart packaging and material recycling, or even enable closed-loop recycling.
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