Adjusting the parameters of the open branched distribution network mode by selecting the optimal area of the wires cross-section in the maximum load mode
The paper presents the results of the research of Maximum load mode of 6 kV open branched distribution network of Kutaisi. For instance, the operating values of the voltage at both 6 and 0.38 kV nodes of the network are defined. As a result, voltage deviations in all nodes of the network are calculated and problem nodes are identified. The mode parameters of the particular sections of the network are also defined and based on it, the total losses of active and reactive power in the network are obtained. The efficiency of network operation is evaluated by means of efficiency. Based on the analysis of all this, a number of conclusions are made and a task is set, the purpose of which is to fulfill the criteria of the network, which it must meet in a normally established mode. In particular: high quality of the voltage supplied to the load nodes and operation with small power losses. Based on the network characteristics and provided condition the optimal area of wires cross sections at the highway is calculated and the validity of this measure is substantiated by the reports. The engineering computer program “NEPLAN” is used to calculate the network mode parameters presented in the paper.
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