Amorphous Polarity
After the end of the Cold War and the disintegration of the Soviet Union, evaluation of the new international system became quite important subject in the field of international relations. The group of specific authors recognized the system as the Unipolar one. However, there were others, who regarded the moment as unipolar, not the system. Several years later, the new evaluation was born, referring to the US as declining power and hinting that the system was in transition. Conversely, still there were scientists who emphasized that the United States was the unchallengeable sole superpower on the world political map. Meanwhile, certain authors suggested that the system became bipolar because of China’s irreversible economic progress. Thus, the bipolarists claim that there are only two great powers in the contemporary international system. Against the all above-mentioned evaluations, there is another assumption that the current world is multipolar, with more than two great powers. However, the present-day multipolarity is quite different than 19th century original analogy. The simple verdict that can be derived from different evaluations of international system is that the conclusions of contemporary authors make understanding of modern system quite vague. Thus, it is important to ask what the ongoing international model is. The aim of the article was to find out the type of system not via supporting an author’s verdict but to discover links and common ground among different conclusions. The goal didn’t prevail however, the result made by specific evaluation turned out to be anomalous.
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