Anti-reflective coatings for solar power optical lens concentrators of different geometric shapes
The paper presents studies related to the use of anti-reflective coatings in lens concentrators of solar energy and determining the dependence of its efficiency on the geometric shape of the lens concentrator. According to the preliminary results of the experiment, it was determined that the efficiency of the anti-reflective layer of the concentrator lens of the photoelectric converter depends on the shape of the surface on which it is laid to receive solar radiation energy. The maximum effect is obtained when it is laid on a flat surface. Which leads to the conclusion that to create a concentrator with an anti-reflective layer, it is appropriate to use a flat convex lens.
I.I. Maronchuk, D.D. Sanikovich, V.I. Mironchuk. Enеrgеtika. Proс. СIS Higher Educ. Inst. аnd Power Eng. Assoc. V. 62, No 2 (2019), pр. 105–123.
I.M. Avaliani, R.I. Chikovani, T.I. Khachidze, . Z.V. Berishvili. Designing and production of coated lenses-concentrators for enhancing the power efficiency of the photovoltaic unit. GEORGIAN ENGINEERING NEWS. 2014, No.1 (vol.69), pp. 27-31.
I.M. Avaliani, Z.V. Berishvili, T.I.Khachidze. Anti-Reflective coating lenses to boost solar energy efficiency of a III-V semiconductor photovoltaic cell. EU PVSEEC 2014 29th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 2014.
I. M. Avaliani, T.I. Khachidze, G.G. Dekanozishvili, Z.V. Berishvili. Antireflective and Hydrophobic Coated Lenses for Photovoltaic Moduls. American Journal of Nano Research and Applications. Volume 5, Issue 3-1, May 2017, Pages: 13-17.
T.I. Khachidze, I.M. Avaliani, D.M. Shalamberidze. Some aspects of efficient use of A3B5 materials-based concentrators for photovoltaic cells of solar energy converters. Nano Studies №12, 2015, p.p. 133-138.

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