The dependence of the electrokinetic potential of the polymer composition with the resulting solid tape impregnation
The paper presents the determination of ζ-potential of polymer solution of different concentration by dynamic light scattering (electrophoretic light scattering) method on Zetasizer Nano Zen 3690 analyzer to evaluate the properties of electric double layer in the range of potential difference from -30 mV to +30 mV. The effect of KCl concentration in polysulfone solutions on the aggregate stability of the solution was studied. It was found that the magnitude of aggregate stability of the electrokinetic potential largely determine the specific performance of the membrane made from the poured solution. It was found that the aggregate stability of the polymer solution can be changed by a certain amount of electrolyte, which affects the physical-chemical parameters of the polymer composition, determines the phase inversion process and the asymptotic value of the specific productivite of the obtained membrane.
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