Print version was published: Mining Journal 1(140), 2018
According to modern technologies of construction and operation of transport tunnels, it is assumed in the present work that drainage of water does not occur inside the membrane in the area of reinforced coating of the tunnel and here takes place a non-stationary process of transfer of hygroscopic mass (moisture) together with а similar process of heat transfer between the ventilation stream and the surrounding mining massif. Thus, we have to deal only with the sorption mass content in the pores of the massif and the water in the explicit form in the tunnels can only be in exceptional cases as local sources and therefore, their influence on the ventilation flow should be considered separately. The paper provides results of mathematical modeling of heat and mass transfer processes as well as graphs and nomograms, which can be used to define non-stationary coefficients of the heat and mass transmission required for thermal physics calculation of underground ventilation. The additional flows initiated by the Soret and Dufour effects usually strengthen the main flows, but in practice one can find a case where it is not necessary to take into account the effect of additional flows. Based on the analysis of processes, the criteria that determine the numerical value of these show the case when accounting for additional flows of Soret and Dufour is mandatory. The marked effects can be ignored when 106 Lα=1.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Omar Lanchava, Nino Arudashvili, Zaza Khokerashvili

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