Print version was published: Mining Journal 2(35), 2015. 85-88
In this work are reviewed examples of accidents during fire in short worldwide tunnels. There is mentioned that nowadays, in short tunnels it is not recommended construction of mechanical ventilation, in according to the standards of developed countries. Notwithstanding of these recommendations, it is shown in this work, that for short tunnels the risk of fire is great and results of fire would be unsafe. Offered the measures of fire prevention in the short tunnels, among which should be noted: modernization of infrastructure of tunnels; its equipment with emergency ventilation and with instrumentation; staff training and lifeguard; training of the emergency ventilation operational procedures to assist in the evacuation or rescue, or both, of motorists from the tunnel; In all cases, the desired goal shall be to provide an evacuation path for motorists who are exiting from the tunnel and to facilitate fire-fighting operations; entering of schedules for large and dangerous cargo; Information support and popularization of given questions. In this work testing, training and education are considered as tools to improve the safety and security of underground short tunnels.
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Copyright (c) 2021 O. Lanchava, G. Nozadze, N. Arudashvili

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