Red Pigment of Camellia japonica ,,Margaret Walker” Flower
The variety of Japanese camellia is to perform qualitative and quantitative analyzes of anthocyanins pigments in the flowers of various colors are reviewed. Four variety of Japanese camellias of different colors were taken to analyze from the Batumi Botanic Garden Camellia japonica ,,Margaret Walker” based on the research results it could be concluded that anthocyanins composition plays dominant role in flower colorarion of Japanese camellia. The highest amount of them is detected in Camellia variety, ,Margaret Walker” - G (410 mg / kg); The lowest amount is found in variety ,,Margaret Walker” - A (30 mg / kg) The anthocyanins cyanidin-3-diglucosideis dominant one in both variation (A ) (85 and 75 %, respectively).
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