Description of the Introduced variety of apple (Malus domestica Borch) "Challenger"
The research was conducted in a collection orchard located in Shida Kartli (village Jighaura, Saguramo, Mtskheta municipality) belonging to the LEPL Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture (SRCA) from 2020 to 2023. The research focused on the apple (Malus domestica L.) variety "Challenger," which was represented in the collection by 15 plants grafted on MM106 rootstock. The study examined the following agronomic and biological characteristics of the cultivar: phenological phases of development, detailed pomological description of the tree, flower, fruits, and other parts of the cultivar. It also included their biochemical analysis, yield patterns, and productivity. According to the study, the "Challenger" apple cultivar has high-quality fruits, characterized by regular harvests and good storage capacity. It is recommended for cultivation in industrial fruit-growing zones in Georgia, preferably in flat areas.
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