Gold Embroidered Wedding Dress from Kutaisi Historical Museum
The article discusses a wedding dress with a distinctive shape, fabric and color preserved in the Kutaisi Historical Museum, which is completely different from other analogues. The dress was brought to the museum in 1970 from one of the villages of Adjara and is stored in the textile fund. The wedding dress processed with lining. For the surface material dark purple silk velvet fabric is used and for the lining –cotton fabric. This is trapeze dress and its back and front part are all cut up without shoulder seaming, with triangular shaped materials for sides (sliders). Lap sides also have small triangular materials into dress fold for the purpose of extension. This kind of element is inserted in the center of the back side and at the joint of adherent sides. This is oval neck dress and its slope is vertically cut from waist level to curved neck. It has one-seam trapeze sleeves. It is exquisitely designed and decorated with flower embroidery ornaments which go along neck edge, bust, slope and at the bottom edge of the sleeve and at the bottom edge of the skirt panels. Composition of embroidery alongside utilized techniques causes great interest. Wonderful and harmonically created ornaments indicate flawless craftsmanship. Composition is prearranged and outlined on the cardboard, then it is carved and attached to half finished dress. (dress adjoining edges aren’t seamed) Afterwards embossed embroidery process took place. The construction of the dress (pic.3) with cutting techniques really attract attention. Fabric 45cm width is processed and cut without loss to minimize cost. It lies in the fact that Georgian tailors and dressmakers were experienced enough to save fabric. Techniques used for dress sewing was of minor interest. Different patches and stitching on a dress indicated high knowledge and awareness of traditional customs and technical means among people. No doubt that glamorous Ajarian wedding dress with ceremonial coloring and outstanding decoration, profound experience in dress cutting methods tends to be appealing to the eye. Ajara, as well as all parts of Georgia known for its meticulous craftsmanship and embroidered works is characterized by delicacy and refinement which stood the test of time.
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