Microstructural features of generative and vegetative organs of Allium ponticum growing in Georgia
The aim of the study is to determine diagnostic characteristics based on the study of the macro- and microstructural characteristics of the generating and vegetative organs of Allium ponticum Micscz ex Grossh. Bilateral epidermis of leaves of A. ponticum has identical structure. Paracytic type of stomatas are concentrated on the narrowed edge of cells of leaf epidermis. Vascular bundle of collateral type. The protective tissue of the stem is cutinized, the epidermis is one-line, the outer periclinary wall of epidermal cells is powerfully thickened. In the epidermis, slightly submerged stomatas are differentiated. The leaf is abundantly equipped with collateral-type vascular bundle of different diameters. The flower is a round, hemisphere, frequent-flowered umbrella. Basal cells of the epidermis of the filament are characterized by straight or indirect tilt of elongated, linear periclinal walls. The bulb is well developed, free. It is spherical-oval in shape, its shell is almost leathery. On the panorama of the texture of the cross section of the bulb, in the basipetal direction, tendency of differentiation of fibrous root system is manifested.
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