The aim of our research was to study efficiency of applying the new national gel Lazolex (5%) during the treatment of chronic recurrent apthous stomatitis. To achieve this aim we examined and treated 19-55 years old 54 patients. The patients were devided into two groups. Each group included 27-27 patients. We used the same treatment in both groups, but in the first group during the local treatment we applied the gel Lazolex and in the second group we used the ointment zovirax(5%). Studies of our examination showed that the 19 patients (70,37±0,42%) from the first group 27(50±50) had important improvement, 6 patients (22,22±1,87%) had improvement. there was no efficiency in 2 patients (7,41±1,87%) with grave forms of chronic recurrent apthous stomatitis. In the second group after applying Zovirax only five patients from 27 (50±0,5%) had important improvement with the easy forms of chronic recurrent apthous stomatitis (18,52±0,9%) improvement was shown with 15 patients (55,6±0,8%). 7 patients (26,16±1,67%) from which 2 had grave forms and 5 had medium forms of disease had no efficiency. It is concluded that applying of national gel Lazolex (5%) accelerates the epithelisation on lips and skin and growth the remission process of disease. It does not have side effects . Thus, it is recommended to apply Lazolex during the treatment of chronic recurrent apthous stomatitis.
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