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Iverieli, M., & Janjalashvili, T. (2019). CHRONIC RECURRENT APHTHOUS STOMATITIS-LATEST DATA ON THE FORMS, DISTRIBUTION AND FREQUENCY OF THE DISEASE. Collection of Scientific Works of Tbilisi State Medical University, 49, 67–69.


Chronic, recurrent, aphthous stomatitis of oral cavity mucosa (K 12.00) is one of the most widespread autoimmune-allergic diseases. While its pathophysiology is not fully studied, in our patients its autoimmune and allergic etiology was apparent. Its provoking factors may include: trauma, stress, overfatigue, viral infections, premenstrual syndrome. The disease is closely linked to the reduction of Fe and B-12 vitamin, ulcerative colitis and Behcet syndrome. Chronic, recurrent, aphthous stomatitis is clinically revealed in four stages: pre-monitoring, pre-ulcerous, ulcerous and curing; in three forms: aphthae minor, apthae major and herpetic apthae. With respect of morphological types, forms of chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis include: fibrous, necrotic, glandular, cicatricial and deforming forms. This work presents lat est data of disease type,name,spreading and the frequency of this form of the disease. Drug allergy is one of the leading cause of chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis.Special sensitivity and side effect like stomititis is revealed while using sedative,hematogenic and gastroenterologic drugs.


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