Receiving p vitamin from wastes of citrus processing
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Kirtadze, N., Ardzenadze, . M. ., Jokhadze, . M., Bakuridze, . L., & Berashvili, D. (2021). Receiving p vitamin from wastes of citrus processing. Сборник научных трудов ТГМУ, 50, 74–77.


 Citrus processing wastes, as a rest, becomes a part of our environment. Those wastes cover the ground and water surface, which helps dicomposing processes, however, prevents creation of natural microflora and reduces oxygen concen- tration. Receiving biologically active substances as a result of citrus processing for medical use is one of the most actual problem in modern pharmacy.  This research aimed creation of technology to get P vitamin active substance from citrus wastes. Theoretically and experimentally getting P vitamin from mandarin wastes is proved and confirmed.  It has been studied the vitamin P active substance extraction kinetics and the factors influencing it: the quality of raw materials - 1 cm, raw materials and extragent ratio of 1: 3, extraction temperature of 35-40 ° C, the extraction period 2 hours, while stirring. It must be studied P vitamin activity of flavonoids from separation the influence of temperature and pH. It is estimated that the maximum yield of active substances accepted during + 5 ° C temperature delay of hours, when the pH 5equals.
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Библиографические ссылки

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