DOI:Ключевые слова:
Climate change, qualitative study, students, impact, healthАннотация
Climate change is a very important global event having a huge impact on our lives and health. Aim of the study was to assess importance of the climate change for the students.
Materials and Methods - Qualitative study was conducted among the students of different universities (Tbilisi State Medical University, Academy of Visual Arts, Technical University) in Tbilisi, Georgia (n=24, male 10, female 14). Focus group discussions were performed around the specific climate change related topics. The conversations were recorded and afterwards transcribed for analysis. Participation was voluntary and anonymous.
Results. Climate change definition differed for the students from different universities. The medical students mentioned other factors beyond the mere temperature change. The respondents agreed on the role of humans in climate change. Everybody was aware of the immediate effects of the climate change on the human health but the medical students added the threat of emergence of different infectious diseases and aggravation of the chronic ones as well. Immunodeficiency and increased risk of cancers was named by the non-medical students, while the medical students have added increased incidence of non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, stroke, allergies, etc. Impact on mental health was equally assessed and the most frequently were named depression and anxiety. The most vulnerable groups were elderly people, children and persons with chronic diseases and immunodeficiency. Some respondents have underlined that anybody could be at risk if the working conditions are unsatisfactory. Raise of awareness was named as the most important mitigation measure. Unfortunately just a few of respondents have heard about Greta Thunberg or other celebrities active in this field. Opinions were divided regarding who should be more involved in prevention of the climate change – governments or people. Everybody agreed that climate change is being more discussed in the economically well developed countries.
Conclusions. Notwithstanding the discrepancy in some answers between medical and non-medical students, the obtained data suggest that the students are aware of the climate change and its impact on the health.
Библиографические ссылки
Anåker A, Spante M, Elf M. Nursing students' perception of climate change and sustainability actions - A mismatched discourse: A qualitative, descriptive exploratory study. Nurse Educ Today. 2021 Oct;105:105028.
Bugaj TJ, Heilborn M, Terhoeven V, et al. What do Final Year Medical Students in Germany know and think about Climate Change? - The ClimAttitude Study. Med Educ Online. 2021 Dec; 26(1):1917037.
Campbell-Lendrum D, Neville T, Schweizer C, Neira M. Climate change and health: three grand challenges. Nat Med. 2023 Jul;29(7):1631-1638.
World health organization – climate change (
ფაღავა ე., მათეშვილი მ., მჭედლიშვილი ი. ხარისხობრივი კვლევის თავისებურებები. თსსუ სამეცნიერო შრომათა კრებული. ტომი 54. 2020. – თბილისი, გვ.138-141.