Edgar Allan Poe’s “Eldorado” in Georgian Translations
Critics of “Eldorado” view the poem as distinct from Edgar Allan Poe’s other works in both composition and meaning, as it does not focus on themes of romantic love or mourning the loss of a loved one. Instead, the poet seeks beauty through the verse. The poem's rhythm, musicality, simplicity of language, and tone contribute to its unique character. Despite its straightforward structure, “Eldorado” is rich with biblical and mythological references that enhance its mystical effect. “Eldorado” captivates readers with its ballad-like rhythm and sound, combined with the profound depth and mystery of its meaning, all conveyed through a brief and accessible form. That is why the poem has inspired numerous translations into Georgian, including those by Givi Gachechiladze, Kote Jandieri, Inola Gurgulia, Philippe Beridze, Vazha Shiukashvili, Zviad Museliani, Vasil Guleuri, Amiran Ghoghadze, Mindia Ugrekhelidze, Zurab Guruli, Lela Ebralidze, and Eter Churadze.
King James Bible. (2017). King James Bible. https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/ (Original work published 1769).
Magistrale, T. (2001). Student Companion to Edgar Allan Poe. Greenwood Press.
Poe, E. A. Philosophy of Composition. (2003). Norton Anthology of American Literature (N. Baym, Ed. Vol. 2). Norton. (Original work published 1846).
Poe, E. A. (1943). Selected Tales and Poems (H. Allen, Ed.). W. J. Black. (Original work published 1849).
Sanderlin, W. S. (1956). Poe’s Eldorado Again. Modern Language Notes, 71 (3), 189–192.
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Churadze, Eter.“Eldorado“ („ელდორადო“). Caucasus Journal of Milton Studies (CJMS), Vol. 2 No. 4: December 2023 (e-ISSN 2720-8222). https://cjojms.com/index.php/research/issue/view/10
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