Warning by Jenny Joseph and Its Georgian Translation
The present paper deals with Warning, a poem by the British poet Jenny Joseph, and its Georgian translation. The interest in this poem is conditioned by its exceptional popularity in and outside the UK. This small, humorous poem is noteworthy for being a source of inspiration for many women in the US and 30 other countries and prompting the establishment of an international social organization of women. The paper lays stress on the subtle humor characteristic of the poem and the literary devices used by the author to produce aesthetic and emotional effects on readers as well as the possibility and means of their transformation in the Georgian translation. This article provides a comparative analysis between the translation and its original and respective conclusions.
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• https://poetryarchive.org/poet/jenny-joseph/
• Nadejda Menshina’s author blog Silver Academy, https://academikstar.blogspot.com/2021/05/vot-stanu-starukhoy-kuplyu-sebe-staret-neskuchno-vmeste-s-Jenny-Joseph-i-obshchestvom-krasnykh-shlyap.html
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