Sea-buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L, fam. Eleagnaceae) is one of the most widespread plants of the Georgian flora. Its rich chemical composition determines a variety of pharmacological effects in the treatment of burns, gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, cervical erosion, radiation diseases of the skin and esophagus, and others [1,2,3]. The object of the research were vaginal suppositories made using fruit oil from Georgian sea-buckthorn. Model suppositories with Hippophae rhamnoides oil based on cocoa butter and Vitepsol W35 were developed. These suppositories were standardized with the sum of carotenoids - 0.66-0.75 mg/sup. (converted to β-carotene). Comparison of the in vitro release profile of carotenoids from sea-buckthorn oil 0.3 g vaginal suppositories shows that the samples prepared on both bases are characterized by prolonged release, while the process is more intense with the diphyllous base (Vitepsol W 35), which is recommended as the main suppository base for sea-buckthorn suppositories. The leading fatty acids of this oil are identified in suppositories - palmitic, oleic and stearic acids. The physicochemical and structural-mechanical indicators of suppositories were defined.
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