In the scientific work, the study of the strength parameters of an ultrasonic weld on the example of artificial fur is considered. A characteristic trend in the change in the raw material base of the textile industry in all developed industrial countries of the world is the steady growth in the production and consumption of chemical fibers. This is due to a number of advantages of chemical fibers, in particular, the cheapness and availability of the raw material base, and the important properties of chemical fibers. Despite the foregoing, the use of new, chemical fiber-containing textile materials in the production of clothing by the traditional filament method has caused a number of problems, to eliminate which it has become expedient to use welding methods for the manufacture of garments. products from fabrics containing chemical fibers, which are based on the thermoplasticity of these materials. In this scientific article, the strength of an ultrasonic weld of artificial fur, changes in the structure of the area surrounding the weld, and the reasons for the decrease in the strength of the weld were studied by X-ray diffraction analysis. The results of the study showed that the reason for the decrease in the strength of the artificial fur weld is the uneven structure of the area surrounding the weld, a sharp transition from the weld to the base material. This can be eliminated by improving the design of the working bodies of the apparatus used for ultrasonic welding.
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