New normality of agriculture against the background of infodemia (Georgian example)
Growing technological development in the last decades and a traditional media environment modified due to the stated reason has placed Journalism before absolutely new challenges, mainly before necessity of struggling with false information and propagandistic narrative. On the first hand, it should solely select information source, moreover, personally create and share a definite information, and, on the another hand it created a real opportunity of spreading of media materials burdened with propaganda and hate speech. The key functions for which, many centuries ago, journalism was created, its social objective is primarily based on informing of audience. Information has a vital significance for each separate individuum, as well as for the whole community. Well-known word-painting definition determines its significance and essence as of the “democracy currency”. However, operative information is valuable only when its preserves all obligatory features (factuality, actuality, specifity and others), and, simultaneously, obtains new features, that is conditioned by specifics of descriptive means of its channels of transmission (printed, broadcasting, digital media). Accurate, fact-based information supports absolute participation of an individuum in a contemporary life that is expressed by correct objectives in social relations and creation of one’s own construction of the world perception. In contradiction with the stated, disinformation and spreading of false news really work; they are targeted at misleading of the auditory, manipulating with a social opinion and having an impact on the informed choice of a user. Target of the present thesis is to make analysis of the agricultural sector, the so called “new normality”, against the background of the current infodemia, which will be discussed by us as replacing of the behavioral norms generated by separate individuums and organizations during thousands of years with new forms of relations. The definition “infodemia” is set as flooding of online and offline information and by an attempt of intended spreading of false news its aim is to support alternative agendas of separate groups and individuums. A task of the research is to make an analyze of communication channels forms for an access to the market and links with the users in new normality conditions on the example of activity of small and average farmers of Georgia.
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