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Iverieli, M., Gogebashvili, N., Jashi, L., Abashidze, N., & Gogishvili, K. (2018). ADHESIVE ACTIVITY OF LEUKOCYTES IN PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC PERIODONTITIS. Сборник научных трудов ТГМУ, 51, 52–54. извлечено от


With the use of spontaneous adhesive activity test of T-lymphocytes and neutrophils has been revealed early sings of adhesive interrelations of immune and inflammatory cells of blood. Adhesiveness of T-lymphocyte cells in some degree determines intensity of immune reactions of studied antigens, modulation of T-lymphocytes adhesiveness to lipopolysaccharides (LPS) of oral cavity microbial flora is the most sensitive indicator of early activity of immune processes in patients suffering with chronic periodontitis. Autosensibilization towards universal LPS antigen at early stages of activation of pathological process in case of chronic periodontitis is rare, than sensibilization toward microbial LPS. Modulating effect of prostaglandin (PE2), interferon (p LNF-a2) and collagenase type I (CG1) on adhesive function of T-lymphocytes has opposite nature. The more frequent reception of T-cells toward inhibiting effects of PE, than toward p INR-2 and CG1. Well expressed stimulating effects on T-lymphocytes, p INF-2 and CG 1 adhesive activity, and anti inflammatory effect of PE2 has been revealed.

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Библиографические ссылки

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