The aim of our research was to study efficiency of applying the new national gelLazolex (5%) during the treatment of chronic recurrent apthous stomatitis. To achieve this aim we examined and treated 14-60 years old 50 patients. The patients were devided into two groups. One group included 20 patients (40±0,77%) -control group and the second one -30 patients (60 ±0,63%)- the main group . We used the same treatment in both groups, but in the main group during the local treatment we applied the gel Lazolex (5%) and in the control group we used vitamin A, vitamin E and briar oil. Studies of our examination showed that in the control group the aphtes during phibrinal form started epithelization in 7-14 days - remission was 3-4 month. aphtes during necrotic forms started epithelization in 10-21 days - remission was 2-4 month. aphtes during glandular forms started epithelization in 14-20 days - remission was 1-2 month. After applying Lazolex epithelization started in 3-6 days during phibrinal form - remission was 6-9 month, in 7-14 days during necrotic form - remission was 4-6-7month, in 9-14 days during glandular forms - remission was 3-5 month. Thus, it is recommended to apply Lazolex during the treatment of chronic recurrent apthous stomatitis “Lazolex” is national, cheap, herbal gel that accelerates epithelization and growth the remission precess.. It does not have side effects.
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