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Subeliani, D., Chikvatia, L., Avazashvili, N., & Sakhvadze, S. (2023). REVERSE SHOULDER ARTHROPLASTY FOR TREATMENT OF PROXIMAL HUMERAL FRACTURES IN OLDER ADULTS . Сборник научных трудов ТГМУ, 56, 140–142. извлечено от


A proximal end fracture of the  humeral bone is one of the often common fractures and ranks third in terms of frequency (after a fracture of the hip and forearm) . Due to the fact that the shoulder joint is one of the complex joints in the human body, the incorrectly selected method of treating an intraarticular multi-fragmented  fracture of the shoulder joint leads to unsatisfactory consequences in the postoperative period and a high degree of disability.  As with other types of surgical interventions, osteosynthesis and arthroplasty of a multifractional fracture at the proximal end of the humeral bone are associated with a high degree of disability. The most common problem of them is the unsatisfactory function of the limb in the postoperative period, which leads to a deplorable consequence – a solid decrease in disability. Today there is no uniform rule that allows both the pros and cons of any treatment method to be determined during the operational period .The most effective methods in terms of results among the operational methods available today are osteosynthesis with a metal plate and screw, although today the trend in developed countries around the world is the tendency to arthroplasty of the upper end of the shoulder joint in the acute period of multifractional fracture, which ensures the activation of the disease in the early stages of surgery and the relieve of pain syndrome.

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Библиографические ссылки

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