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Jariashvili, O., Maisuradze, M., Bakuridze, L., Berashvili, D., & Bakuridze, A. (2019). STUDY OF PHYSICAL-CHEMICAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF A GEL OF NEOQONDR. Сборник научных трудов ТГМУ, 51, 136–139.


Among the diseases of locomotive system osteoarthrosis is one of the main causes resulting in the loss of work capacity and disability. The pharmaceutical enterprise “Neopharmi” LTD produces combined herbal therapeutic drug for diseases of locomotive system: Gel of Neoqondr. The present research pursued to study physical-chemical and technological characteristics of anti-osteoarthrosis herbal drug of local effect: “Neoqondr”.Experiments were performed to study dynamics of release of tannin from the gel of neoqondr in vitro experiment by the use of Francis diffuse cells. It has been proved that release of biologically active substances in 10 hours equals to 93%. While studying the rheological characteristics of the gel of neoqondr we observed inverse proportional relation between the values of viscosity efficiency and dislocation rate in all ranges of determination. Rheological indices of the gel is within the limits of technological optimums of soft drug formulations. By its factors of merit such as: homogenecity, water extract pH, colloidal stability, thermal stability and viscosity the gel of neoqondr meets all demands set by the state pharmacopeia to soft drug forms.
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Библиографические ссылки

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