Palliative care consists of two major components - alleviating a general condition of the patient throughout the course of the illness (including radical treatment) and providing medical care in the last months, days and hours of life. Objective: The purpose of this work is to give a psychosocial assessment of this field of medicine, taking into account the experience of the world. Conclusion: 1. Nowadays palliative care is not limited by only last stages of malignant tumors and AIDS, this list also includes various chronic incurable diseases and it is essential that physicians of different profiles be able to give incurable status to patients in a timely manner. 2. Some aspects of palliative care may be used in conjunction with other treatments at an early stages of the diseases. 3. It is essential to increase the public awareness about essence and necessity of palliative care. 4. Palliative care should be provided by a multidisciplinary team. The group should consist not only medical staff, but a psychologist, a psychiatrist, a spiritual father, wat the Georgian palliative care lacks nowadays. 5. It is necessary to develop new methods of studies in the process of training of different profile doctors for palliative care quality improvement purposes. Also should be noted the psycho-emotional load degree of the working personnel, which gives necessity to put in training program of study the methods of psychological self-diagnosis, self-correction and self-relaxation. 6. It is recommended to open more specialized establishments, especially in the regions, which will increase access to qualified assistance across the country.
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