ecology, environmental pollution, ecological threats, diseasesAbstract
Environmental pollution and its negative influence on human health cause meaningful anxiety of world. Earth's population has grown from less than 2 billion to 7 billion in past 100 years. The rising standard of living and the intensity of the urbanization process lead to an endless increase in consumer goods and services. Their production requires large resources. This pace of life has given rise to ecological threats and, as a result, the spread of ecological diseases.
Human health is negatively affected by various organic and inorganic pollutants of nature, radionuclides causing oncological diseases, heavy metals, oil products and others have become an active problem for big cities. The mechanism of environmental diseases is such that it causes not only the disruption of the basic functions of the body, but also genetic mutations. Humanity has long discovered the connection between a high standard of living, progress and the deterioration of the ecological situation. A number of measures have been taken to reduce the negative impact of production on the environment. However, it should be noted that no significant effect was achieved. The only way to solve the problem is a complex approach, that is, combining progress with the analysis of how this or that influence damages the human body.
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