The Problem of Legal Equality in the Georgian Press of 1918-1921
pluralistic media climate, liberal-democratic valuesAbstract
The subject of research in 1918-1921 is the parameters of the functioning of the media during the period of the Independent republic of Georgia and processes that contributed to the creation of a pluralistic media climate in the country and the establishment of liberal-democratic values. One of the manisfestations of this is the issue of human rights and social equality, which we will discuss in a specific direction – in terms of gender.Based on the plurastic media envionment, based on the contextual analysis of relevant sources, archival and newspaper publications, we gave selected and studied the main print media of the leqding, ideologically different political parties of 1918-1921: Socia;-Democratic Worker’s Party newapaper “Unity” (1917-1921). The Federalist Party “People’s Affairs” (1917-1921) and the National Democrats – “Georgia” (1915-1921). We analyzed how adequately, with what visions and journalistic means these media outlets covered the feminist narrative.We focused on publications on the problems of women’s emancipation, as well as women authors, the number of which, althouigh small, they are quite professionally able to properly focus on gender issues and in-depth understanding of women’s social or political issues (N.Nakashidze, M.Toroshelidze, F.Josh and others).The resuklts of the research showed that the party press of 1918-1921, on the one hand, clearly reflected the positive steps taken by the government of the Independent Republic of Georgia at the legislative level to protect human rights and, in particular, the feminist direction. On the other hand, the government’s lack of interest in the problems of woman’s social or legal equality appeared in a negative light.
ადამიანის უფლებები - თავისუფლების ინსტიტუტი, 2005. გვ. 11.
საქართველოს კონსტიტუცია, 1918 წელი, სამშობლო, (1990 წლის 26 მაისი, თბილისი) გაზეთები:
ერთობა, 1918, # 358
საქართველო, 1918 წ. # 60
სახალხო საქმე , 1918 წ.## 35, 38, 40 62; 1919 წ. #86; 1920 ## 205, 215