
 The next issue (25)  of the International Reference Scientific Journal of the Foundation For Development of Art and Pedagogical Sciences “Language and Culture” is being prepared and will be published in June 2021.

The text of the article should be typed in font “Sylfaen”, font size 12; title and the author’s name – font size 14; The abstracts of the paper should be in Georgian and English (at least 350 words) languages.

The translation of the abstracts, according to the  author’s wish, can be done by the Translation Bureau of the Editorial Board.

The list of the references should be given at the end of the paper in an alphabetical order; citation should be done as follows: [Shanidze, 1953: 234].

The author must submit an electronic version of the work.

Paper submission deadline: November 10, 2021 (the article will be published after the expert review).

The journal is indexed in:

  1. Google Scholar;
  2. "Iverieli"digital library collection of the National Parliamentary Library of Georgia;
  3. Georgian Abstracts Journal (GAJ)
  4. The journal also received an Impact Factor (indexation of the Impact Factor, which allows it to enter the international arena, increase the citation index).

Paper format template:

Human duties in Georgian hagiographic monuments

Petre Petriashvili

Georgian Technical University


The main text


  1. Mikadze M., - Georgian Proverb (with English, Russian, German and French equivalents). Publishing house “Meridiani”. Tbilisi. 2013. P. 300. (in Georgian)
  2. Mghvdliashvili N., - Cross-Cultural Communication – The communicative Act. Scientific journal “Open Diplomacy Association”, #7, p. 34-67. Tbilisi. 2010 (in Georgian)
  3. Ramishvili G., - For the Essence of Language. TSU Works. Volume 69. P. 34-78. Tbilisi, TSU Press. 2016 (in Georgian)
  4. English Oxford living Dictionaries (Electronic Resources). – link:   - Access Date: 17.03. 2019 (in English)
  5. Dal D. V., - Proverbs of the Russian People (Electronic Resources). – link: - Access Date: 18.03. 2019 (in Russian)
  6. Gnezdilova V. A., - French-Russian Dictionary of Proverbs and Sayings. Moscow, 2010. (in Russian)

Abstract in Georgian Language

Abstract in English language

Please send your articles to the following,

Papers not designed according to the tamplate, won’t be reviewed.

Editorial Board 

Scientific fields:

  1. Linguistics.
  2. Literary criticism.
  3. Philosophy of language and culture.
  4. Psychology of language and culture.
  5. The language of modern art.
  6. Linguistic and cultural interpretation of the text.
  7. Intercultural communication.
  8. National language ​​and culture
  9. Language and media.
  10. Fiction in the context of culture.
  11. Theory and practice of translation.
  12. Teaching Methodology.
  13. Language and history.
  14. Language and religion.
  15. Pedagogy.
  16. Psychology.
  17. Art History.
  18. Philosophy.
  19. Language and medicine.
  20. Social and professional differentiation of the language.
  21. Language in conditions of bilingualism and polilinguism.
  22. National, literary and international languages.
  23. Urbanization and language.
  24. The technical revolution of science and language
  25. Sociology of Linguistics.
  26. Language and Law.