The Importance of pupils social-emotional development

The Importance of pupils social-emotional development


  • Iagor Balanchivadze
  • Salome Bzikadze



pupils personality traits, relationship based on respect


The article discusses the importance of the pupil’s social-emotional development, which includes the formation of the cgild’s personal qualities and relationships with people. Positive relationships between teacher and pupil form a solid foundation for learning and development.The teacher takes care of the pupils to form a positive attitude with him, to create an emotionally safe, evalution-free environment, which is an important condition for learning and research, and to help them form correct, positive perceptions of themselves, their abilities and competencies. The emotional well-being of pupils at the elementary level, then further learning and development, is mainly conditiones by the relationship with the adults.A positive emotional atmosphere in the group is created by a relationship based on respect, the acceptance of each pupil. It is manifested in the attention and attention of the adult toweards the pupil.Social-emotional skills are vital for the proper development of a person and their relationship to the environment. Children need recognition and a sense of belonging the most. The neglected pupil feels as if they are not being noticed. Often bad behavior is an attempt to somehow notice. A pupil who has no attachment to an adult may gradually become alienated, disobedient, or excluded.Emotional skills training programs can be developed in a structured or semi-structured way. In a positive social-emotional environment, everyone feels like a member of the group. Contrary to popular belief, diversity is respected. There is an emotional connection with the elders. Pupil have friends in the group. Play in a group, resolve conflicts through negotiation.The more teachers work on social-emotional skills, the sooner pupils develop and apply it in life, pupil will be able to manage emotions and solve problems effectively.


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How to Cite

Iagor Balanchivadze, & Salome Bzikadze. (2021). The Importance of pupils social-emotional development. Language and Culture, (26), 168–175.


