Past da Present of village Jeglev
village Jeglevi, Occupied territory, history, presentAbstract
The article is about Past and present of village Jeglevi.The georgraphical environment of the village is reviewed:it is located in Ksani gorge, in the occupied territory, near Akhalgori, at a distance of 5 km, on the western slope of the Alevi ridge, at 1150m. above sea level. The etymology of the village is explained, which must be connected with the abundance of historical monuments. Therefore, we are talking about architectural monimebts, the ancient inscriptions there, which were studied and deciphered by the famous professor Giorgi Otkhmezuri.Particular attention is paid to such ancient demographic lists at the statistical descriptions of the 18th century Ksani Saeristavo, which Ekvtime Takaishvili saw during as archeological trip to the village of Ikoti in Akhalgori Municipality. The discriptions are published by both Ekvtime Takaishvili (2 descriptions) and Ivane Javakhishvili (3 descriptions). Based on their comparison, the historical reality of that tiome is explained, it is shown how severe the consequences of the Leks raid in Ksani gorge and including the village of Jeglev, where the so-called road to Akhalgori was passing “the way of the Leks”.The German traveler Johann Anton Guldenstedt mentions the monument among the villages looted and desolated by the Leks. “Bogano”, what was their condition and what was their obligation to the masters. In addition to the population descriptions, the paper reviews the documents of the late feudal period related to the village, which speaks about the social or economic situation of the village,relationship between the slaves and masters living here and Eristavi and Pitskhelauri. In indicates how the village passed from one lord to another, how the serfs opposed the Pitkhelauri and what position was held by the royal court of Kartli-Kakheti, and personally by Giorgi Batonishvili, a loyalist of the Mouravi of Akhalgori.At the end of the article shows the recent past of the village, from the 80-ies of the XXth century, paying special attention to the current demographic situation and the dire consequences of the August 2008 war and the occupation of the Akhalgori region. In a once crowded, 45 village today are only 6 families left, where often one or two people live.
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