Lexical Units with Functionalverbs for German Language Development in a Historical Context
lexical units with functionalverbs, German language, official, scientific and press languagesAbstract
The existance of functionalverbs is confirmed by scientists at different stages of German language development. An event whose origins are recorded in the early stages of language development is not uniwue to the German language. The fact, that the number of words in the German languagr has been increasing over the centuries confirms the tendency of its development from a synchronic to an analytic structure. In the process of diachronic language development, there are certain periods when the tendency of nominalization and use of words is more pronounced than in other sections. The development of functionalverbs into a systemic phenomenon is thought to have taken place in the XVIIIth century. They are recorded in the scientific literature and the language of governance, as well in the fiction.There was a development of the German language’s internal potential and analytical structure in the face of changed living conditions.Many factors contribute to the widespread use of functional expressions in Modern German. They are found is almost all functional styles: mostly in pfficial, scientific and press languages, as well as in fiction.
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