Comparison – the role of contrast in the development of pupuil’s creative thinking
Method Comparison, Vazha Pshavela, Poem “Tamari”Abstract
Comparing texts -interpreting and drawing conclusions, expressing pupil’s personal opinios, which is based on reading, understanding and comprehending artistic works, is one of the requirements of the standard of Georgian language and literature.
When we are teaching the poem of Vazha Pshavela “Tamar” in the VI th grade, it is effective to focus on the excerpt from Grigol Orbelianis’ poem “Tost”, “The flag of Tamar was unfurles” and Akaki Tsereteli’s poem “Dream”, which are studies in the Vth grade. As a result of comparing and contrasting all three poems, the attitude of their aurhors towards Tamar, the great king of Georgians, will be revealed, attention will be focused on vocabulary and poetic techniques. Pupils.
It will be concluded that the merits of famous ancestors have been preserved in Georgian history and Georgian literature. It is our duty to respect and pass on to future generation their great contribution in preserving our identity and statehood.
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