Sex Education in Georgia

Sex Education in Georgia




sex education, national curriculum


Today, humanity lives in a very rapidly changing world. Education, which shapes the child as a person and prepares him for life, should contribute to the student's all-round development and development of skills as much as possible. One of the principles of harmonious upbringing is physical education and health care, and these topics include issues of sex education. A modern student has access to various types of information through the Internet. They are driven by curiosity. In the process of this search, they may come across articles on sex education issues, inappropriate video clips, and etc. There is a danger that they receive this information inappropriately and uncritically for their age, which can harm their health and form wrong views.

In Georgia, less attention is paid to sex education in schools, although compared to previous years, the state saw the need for this education and included it in a small dose in the national curriculum. It should also be noted that this is not enough. Modern requirements of sex education include awareness and knowledge transfer about sexual health, hygiene, physiology, age characteristics, violence and sexual violence, harassment, gender, sexually transmitted diseases and their protection, venereal diseases, problems related to early marriage, identification of violence. It is important that students should be provided with scientific, systematic and consistent information regarding the issues listed above.

Within the framework of the article, the document of the national curriculum in relation to sex education is discussed. Attention is focused on the policy of the Ministry of Education of Georgia regarding the mentioned issue. In which subjects and in what dosage is their teaching provided, which issues are specifically emphasized, in which classes, and etc.

In this paper, we will review the current, third-generation national curriculum from the point of view of sex education issues, we will substantiate the importance of modern requirements and analyze their consideration in the National curriculum. At the same time, we will determine the attitude of the school personnel (directorate, teachers) towards the achievable results determined in terms of sex education in the National curriculum.

Purpose - The purpose of the study is to determine the extent to which sex education issues are presented in the national curriculum and to what extent it is in compliance with modern requirements.

Hypothesis - issues of sex education provided by the national curriculum do not meet modern requirements.

This paper will be valuable  to educational researchers, teachers, universities and schools.


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How to Cite

Okropiridze, A. (2024). Sex Education in Georgia. Language and Culture, (32), 151–165.