Improving the Quality of Learning in Nature Lessons Using Independent Work
Independence, learning, teaching, individual, ability, intervention, successAbstract
The article talks about the importance of independent work from the point of view of omproving the quality of leqrninf. Independent work leads of personal growth, self-confidence and self-awareness. Independence allows people to explore their strengths and weaknesses, to work on imopoving themselves without the support of others. It is espexxially important that students, while mastering knowledge and its acquisition, understand that independent work is intended to fulfill the tasks of all other types of educational work, because there is no knowledge that does not become the object of independent activity.
Independent work is an inseparable interrelated system of both the educartional process subjects and activities of the teacher and the pupil, the purpose of which is to increase the pupils’ motivation and engage in independent cognitive activity, Self-education, self-learning, self-regulation, self-activation, self-organization, self-control, this is a small list on the qualities and skills that allow pupils in the future to independently leqrn and master new types of activities.
Our aim of of the research is: to improve the quality of learning using the independent work of pupils. Pupil diafnosis, teacher questionnaire and focus group with pupils. Intensive works were carried out on the school base from November 20 2023, to May 31, 2024.
As a conclusion, based on the research data, we can say that the quality of learning among the pupils has encreased and better results have been obtained. They boldly do independent work and are interested in each issue. Those pupils who were less involved in independent work or perphaps individual independent work was not a priority for some of them, improved and changed their attitude in this regard.
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