"Kadima" – a platform for ethnocultural dialogue

"Kadima" – a platform for ethnocultural dialogue


  • Guranda Gobiani Kutaisi University




ethnocultural dialogue Georgian-Jewish diaspora, intercultural relations, Kadima


The drama troupe "Kadima" was created in Tbilisi in the 1920s under the leadership of the famous Georgian Jewish writer, playwright, and public figure, Gertzel Baazov. The troupe's name means "progress" in Hebrew and reflects Zionist and national ideas. Kadima's mission was to preserve Jewish culture and language, which was especially urgent during the Soviet era when teaching Hebrew and other national symbols were restricted.

"Kadima" was formed on the basis of the "102nd School of Poor Jews", which was founded in Tbilisi in 1921 under the leadership of Baazov and became a center for teaching Hebrew, Jewish history, and literature. This school played an important role in preserving the knowledge and identity of Georgian Jews, although the Soviet authorities soon banned teaching in Hebrew. Despite this, through "Kadima" Baazov was able to preserve a part of Jewish culture and promote the development of Georgian-Jewish intercultural relations.

The troupe included not only the Jewish but also the Georgian community in the cultural dialogue. In the performances staged by the troupe, a synthesis of Georgian and Jewish themes could be felt, contributing to the development of mutual understanding and tolerance between the two cultures. With the support of Dodo Antadze and Shalva Dadiani, "Kadima" brought Jewish and Georgian cultural elements to life on stage, allowing the audience to get to know and appreciate both cultures better.

The historical significance of "Kadima" lies in the fact that it left a significant mark in the Georgian-Jewish intellectual space and contributed to the strengthening and development of friendly ties and ethno-cultural dialogue between the two communities, which was a unique and unprecedented event for that period.


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How to Cite

Gobiani, G. (2024). "Kadima" – a platform for ethnocultural dialogue. Language and Culture, (32), 103–110. https://doi.org/10.52340/lac.2024.32.14


