Kindergarten and family joint activities In order to form a healthy lifestyle in preschools

Kindergarten and family joint activities In order to form a healthy lifestyle in preschools




awareness, mutual support, development perspective, emotional state, systematicity, health culture


Preschool age is crucial for the formation of the child's physical and mental foundations. Against the backdrop of recent unfavorable environmental and social conditions, the majority of children's institution graduates are insufficiently prepared for schooling—physically and mentally. In such children, the level of anxious expectation of failure increases, which is a prerequisite for antisocial forms of behavior. It is necessary to have a close relationship between two social institutions: kindergarten and family. Parents and teachers should unite to ensure the protection of children, their emotional comfort, and an interesting and meaningful life, for which it is necessary to have uniform educational requirements, both in preschool institutions and in families, which implies: unity; the systematicity and consistency of work; an individual approach to each child and family; mutual trust and mutual support between teachers and parents. It is necessary to strengthen the authority of the teacher in the family and in the kindergarten of parents. Innovative forms of individual work by teachers and parents should be developed.


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ბაგა-ბაღი საღმზრდელ პედაგოგის სახელმძღვანელო.

სამოქალაქო თანასწორრობისა და ინტეგრაციის სახელმწიფო სტრატეგიების სამოქმედო გეგმის შესრულების ანგარიში.

ჯანმრთეობის დაცვის ტექნოლოგიები სკოლამდელ საგანმანათლებლო დაწესებულებაში: „ჯანმრთელობა მშვენიერია!“ ჯანმრთელობის დაზოგვის ტექნოლოგიები საბავშვო ბაღის პედაგოგიურ პროცესში. დეკლარაცია ჯანმრთელობის დაზოგვის შესახებ.




How to Cite

Orjonikidze, N., Akhvlediani, M., & Abdaladze, L. (2023). Kindergarten and family joint activities In order to form a healthy lifestyle in preschools. Language and Culture, (30), 149–153.