Musical games for preschoolers

Musical games for preschoolers




child’s musical development, emotional sphere


The role of parents in the musical development of a child is great. They pay a lot of attention to colors, object shapes, numbers, etc. Sh. learning, therefore the child's musical development is pushed into the background. It is important to take care of a child's musical development from an early age, which contributes to the development of the child's hearing, sense of rhythm, imagination, attention and emotional sphere.Listening to music greatly contributes to the development of a child's personality, including his emotional sphere. Let's introduce the baby to music of different genres and character, talk about what mood the author of the piece wanted to convey. Music conveys a lot of emotions, different feelings, feelings, describes natural phenomena...Musical games are liked by the vast majority of preschool children, with the help of which they develop hearing, sense of rhythm, attention, memory, imagination, emotionality. It is desirable for children to play musical games with the whole family, listen to music together, discuss impressions. It is not only fun, but also very useful.


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თამაში სწავლისა და განვითარებისთვის. საქართველოს განათლებისა და მეცნიერების სამინისტრო, გაეროს ბავშვთა ფონდი. თბილისი, 2015

ადრეული და სკოლამდელი აღზრდისა და განათლების სახელმწიფო სტანდარტები. გაეროს ბავშვთა ფონდი და განათლებისა და მეცნიერების სამინისტრო. თბილისი, 2018.




How to Cite

Tkhilava, M. (2023). Musical games for preschoolers. Language and Culture, (30), 136–140.