Development of comphrehension skilss in 3rd grade

Development of comphrehension skilss in 3rd grade


  • Iagor Balanchivadze Akaki Tsereteli State University



informative, reading, comprehension, diagnosis, intervention, developmental assessment


The article is about the peculiarities of understanding information text. How to identify the problem, implement an intervention to help correct the problems. The problem is relevant, because we are dealing with issues of raising the literacy level of pupils. To do this, let the pupils fall in love of reading, develop the ability to understand what they read, so that they can easily understand the informational text. For the latter, we should help pupils develop thinking skills. Let,s introduce the importance of thoughtful reading to the pupil and his parents. The aim of research is to improve the understanding of the informational text in the 3rd grade by using effective activities. The task of research is to reveal the causes and problems of existing difficulties, to find ways to solve and eliminate them. The main research question is: how to improve pupils’s reading and understanding of  important information from informational text. For this purpose, I used the diagnostoc of pupils (at the beginnging and at the end), focus group of teachers and parents. At the diagnosis stage, we chekes the pupils’ ability to understand the informational text. We have planned appropriate interventions to overcome to problems. By using interventions, the result doubled almost everywhere, with consistent activities and methods, it was possible to make pupils fall in love with reading; The selected strategies helped the pupils to actively engage in the learning process and understand the read of text.


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How to Cite

Balanchivadze, I. (2022). Development of comphrehension skilss in 3rd grade. Language and Culture, (28).


