The Role of Class Supervisor in the Process of Transition of Pupils with Special Needs
transition, inclusion, child with special needs, social relations, class managementAbstract
Throughout the life people have to transit from one stage to another which is called transition. This is the stage when the individual needs of every child should be maximally taken into consideration. It ensures equal envolvement of pupils with various abilities in educational process in order that one of the fundamental right of a person-the right of education be satisfied. Desired outcome of early inclusive education , among them for children of special needs and their families is the feeling of belonging, positive soacial relations ,learning and development promotion. First steps of pupils at school are started with the relation of class tutor. It is crucially important that fist touch with the school must be positive, interesting and motivating for thurther learning. That’s why class supervisor’s role is very important, with whom a child begins the transition process and for simplifying this process she has a big part. The aim of a class tutor’s work is to help pupils to attain national purposes of general education and develop personal, moral, mental and physical opportunities. In order to find out the role of a class tutor in the the process of transition of pupils with special needs and to investigate/analyse their dependence towards this isue we carried out a research in 5 public schools of Telavi and interviewed class supervisors. Before visiting schools we had communication with school principals in order to inform them about the issue. The artcile deals with the existing situation in schools, research results are interesting and should be provided by the researchers interested in this issue.
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