Literary Translation Style - Linguocultural Phenomenon (According to Ivane Machabeli’s translation of the tragedy “Hamlet” by Shakespeare)
უ. შექსპირის „ჰამლეტი“, თარგმანი, ივ. მაჩაბელიAbstract
This article deals with the essence of the artistic translation as creation and translation style as Linguoultural Phenomenon. The problem refers to the issue how the artistic translation as phenomenon should be seen wholly, that implies its researching creatively and lingvo-culturally. According to the methodological approach translation style should be studied interdisciplinary. So, it is the most essential to combine successively interdisciplinary methodology to the linguistic approach of the artistic translation (this is the approach that is implied by linguocultural paradigm). The methodology of the mentioned research implies the conceptual combination of such disciplines as, on the one hand, Literature Studies and on the other hand Linguistics – (because original text as well as translated text are at the same time the subject matter of Literature-Studies and Linguistics). But, according to the fact that artistic translation is studied as creation in this article, the methodology of our research means the disciplines such as Esthetics and Linguistic Theory of Translation, in particular the conception of translation transformation.
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