Ocaasional forms of nominal verbs in modern Georgian poetic discourse

Ocaasional forms of nominal verbs in modern Georgian poetic discourse





ზმნური ოკაზიონიზმი, პარონომაზიული სინტაგმები, მოდელები


Verbal occasionalism is abundant in the language of Georgian fiction; Along with informativeness, these unusual forms are charactarized by brevity and emotional coloring. In the modern Georgian poetic discourse, the production models of verbal occassionisms according to the surname, paronomasian syntagms, where the name of the same root stands next to the named verb (subordinate, direvt addition or other member of the sentence, punitive neologisms of an ironic tone, as well as productive stems and adverbial elements of such verbs. Semantic and stylistic nuances are also important, which together with informativeness, indicate the wide word-making potential and flexibility of the Georgian language. To express the instrumentality in avtive verbs in the present tense, a three-part model is used: 1) I+noun+stem+av; 2) U- +noun stem+av; 3) A- = base of the name _topic sign. In the main participle, the preverb is used as a wordforming function. Verbal instrumentals are formed bt a twopart model:noun+stem+av theme marker. In the case of medioactive and mediopassive verbs, there is two-part model: noun stem+ subject sign. The nominal verbs has the marker -ob, when the active verbs has the marker eb,av, in the oassive voise forms has the marker -eb. Nouins, adjectives, numerals and adverbs are used to form new verbs. In short, the new form of the verb is obtyained by adding affixes from other parts of speech.


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How to Cite

Beridze, N. (2023). Ocaasional forms of nominal verbs in modern Georgian poetic discourse. Language and Culture, (29). https://doi.org/10.52340/lac.2023.03


