Love Distance - Telavi State University Students’ attitude toward distance learning
DOI:Ключевые слова:
Distance Education, Online Education, Love DistanceАннотация
This work is dedicated to study Telavi State University students’ attitude toward distance learning. This work is based on the researches which have been done during my own pedagogical practice during 2020-2023 under the framework of the Distance Education project.
Here in this work is described the main idea of Distance Learning, its steps of development as well as the distance learning technologies which have been in my own pedagogical practice. The attention is applied to the up-to-date importance of distance learning in the educational environment. Moreover, a research method is also presented.
These researches are done around Google Classroom studying management systems. We have used the Google Forms online survey format with the help of links of Likert Scale and Open Ended questionnaire forms. The texts of the questionnaires with the students’ answers are consequentially attached to this work. All these are supported with the corresponding visual graphic images.
The research results are presented during the pandemic period – The education outside of a lecture-hall ”Online Education” and during the post-pandemic period ” Love Distance” -Education inside a lecture-hall.
In this work the crucial attention is paid to the comparative analysis of the research results during the pre and post-pandemic periods. Based on the analysis of the research results are presented conclusions, which confirm students’ positive attitude toward Distance learning and the success of ‘’ Love Distance”.
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