For Some Phraseological Units in the Tao Dialect

For Some Phraseological Units in the Tao Dialect


  • Maia Baramidze



the Tao dialect, phraseological units, semantics, an eye, brain


The Tao dialect is one of the southern dialects. The remnants of a dialect, spread across once extensive territory, are now preserved in a number of minor villages of Tao (Eliaskhevi, Tsitleqari, Khevai, Quabagi, Phishnarkhevi, Baslekari, Balkhi, Qvenobani, Balkhibari, Gaghmaqobai, Chevreli), as well as in the village, bordering Tao and Klarjeti – Binati.The Tao Georgian is noteworthy due to many aspects.The abstract looks upon some phraseological units, spread in the Tao Georgian dialect.The phraseological units of the Tao Georgian are diverse both from the semantic and structural point of view.The first component of a phraseological unit in Tao dialect is usually the word ‘eye’, the next ones are mostly often the verbs ‘hold (keep)’ or ‘have’, the meaning of the phrase being ‘appealing, taking to or falling in love’: is aqevr vinme gogoze t’vali k’onebia ki. In addition to the mentioned meanings of ‘keep/hold an eye’, more variations are realized through this expression in Tao dialect, such as ‘jinx or overlook in an evil way’: nonas t’valma dimicira.Somatic phraseological units express pain, having as their second consistent component the verb ‘inflamate’: ik’ kar gevdet’, ak’ t’avi ement’o; clikebi ent’eba. Fainting, connected with grief and distress is expressed by phrases, which have brain as their essential component: esa cevda, c’em kac’ma ckva dimilia, cevda ert’i t’ve ar vxedavdi, imaze imaze ckva cevda; aman ckva dimilia.



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How to Cite

Baramidze, M. (2021). For Some Phraseological Units in the Tao Dialect. "Intercultural Dialogues" Transactions, 6.




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